Meet Your Instructors

Tracy Little

Director of Wraparound Training and Fidelity

Esteemed family peer leader, educator and innovator Tracy Little! Education: MA Business FAMU * MA Northwood University Favorite Activity: Shopping A Founding member of NCFIE, national advocate for change, community decan, friend, jokester and child welfare systems champion! Tracy cares about family, community and traveling the world!

Jarred Vermillion

Director of Wraparound Training and Fidelity

Jarred Vermillion , AKA The WRAP GUY! Director of Wraparound Training and Fidelity! Top Strength: Energy and Transfer of Knowledge Education: BA PSY SDSU, QBE Favorite Thing: Music, Family, Good Food! Brief: Jarred is a Champion for Children and Families. A former consumer, TEDx Speaker, UC Davis Instructor and Master Coach and Trainer with NCFIE. Jarred, father of three believes in the Spirit and Process of Wrapround and coaches this practice across the world with various child and family serving communities.

Meet the High Fidelity Wraparound Institute Support Team

Kathryn Parker

Executive Director

Osha Fordom

Executive Office Manager

A business professional with over 20 years of experience in business organization and a lifetime of wisdom. When I'm not working, you can find me spending quality time with my beloved granddaughter or indulging in my guilty pleasures - seafood and junk food! Oh and don't forget, I'm Beyonce #1 Fan better known as Queen of the BeyHive!

Verlese Pender

Director of Initiatives

Paints, Pizza and Parenting - my three Ps! Passionate about advocating for youth voice within System of Care communities. Working hard to make it happen every day.


  • Where Can I find more information Wraparound Recourses?

    You can access our Wraparound the World Community on the link below. Once in space you can access a repository of materials including publications, videos, discussions , tools, networking opportunities and so much more. Link below:

  • Can I attend and take the High Fidelity Wrapround Institute without pursuing a certification?

    Yes you can, choose the High Fidelity Wrapround Institute Non-Certification link below:

  • Can I pursue a additional Certification? I completed competency and would like to get proficiency?

    Yes you can please reach out to our team to explore your options and set you up with next steps.

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