National Center for Innovation and Excellence
Developing Youth- Strengthening Families - Building Strong Communities
This Live 4 Day Virtual Training is designed to provide students the tools they need to begin their Wraparound journey. Students will practice the process, review and discuss the skills needed to practice High Fidelity Wraparound.
This course includes the Live 4 Day Virtual Training. Following the virtual training, students will receive additional coaching and guidance to begin their steps towards either Foundation, Competency, or Proficiency Certification in Wraparound.
This Live 4 Day Virtual Training is designed to provide students the tools they need to begin their Wraparound journey. Students will practice the process, review and discuss the skills needed to practice High Fidelity Wraparound.
You can access our Wraparound the World Community on the link below. Once in space you can access a repository of materials including publications, videos, discussions , tools, networking opportunities and so much more. Link below:
Yes you can, choose the High Fidelity Wrapround Institute Non-Certification link below:
Yes you can please reach out to our team to explore your options and set you up with next steps.